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Temperatures for Brooding Chicks

A friendly reminder to those looking to raise chicks this year❤️😘

Your babies need HEAT!

Not too much and not too little.

How does a tender know if it’s too much or too little? Well look at them! Pay attention!

If you have chicks huddled and piled without “resting” aka sleeping under any heat source, your babies are too cold!

If you have chicks spread out in their brooder and not wanting to snuggle with their mates, they’re too hot!

What should you use for heat?

Heat lamps are not necessarily safe, but still commonly used with supervision. They are safe in metal brooders and will keep chicks warm in a garage or outside when temperatures are below 60 degrees.

Heat plates can NOT keep up and keep chicks warm when the ambient temperature is below 50 degrees.

Chicks and adult chickens do seek out the comfort of one another. Too cold, they are fussy and piled like a heap of potatoes. Too cold and they hate you, their mates and everything.

Chicks need enough space in their brooder to get away from their heat source to cool off. Make certain they have ample room to roam so they can self regulate their temperature.

They need to have “chick” feed. Plenty. All they want. Feed that is specific for growing chickens. Small crumbles. No lay mash and no, you do not have to feed medicated feed.

They need to have CLEAN water at all times!

Chicks are super messy!

Make certain they have clean food and water 24/7.

Be sanitary! After all they are babies!

Wash hands, wash feet before entering their brooder or enclosure. It takes time for any “infant” to build an immunity to the bacteria’s and viruses that surround them. Practicing proper bio security and sanitation measures will make a huge difference.

❤️ Much love!

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