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Full Disclosure!

My breeding flocks of Schijndelaar and Shetland Hen came directly from Greenfire Farms and I would like to share with ya’ll a few discrepancies I’ve found and my own personal goals with these two breeds.

Shetland Hen is a Land Race from Scotland dating back 500 years ago. Greenfire Farms claim they are blue egg layers, however most of my hens lay an egg that to my eye appears green with gentle and delightful speckles, but the few that lay blue are a very light blue.

Red, blue and green are primary colors. They are the 3 colors that make up ever color!

Now... what the eye picks up and actually sees (without filters or photoshop) is truly based on the individual processing what they are looking at. Also the way blue and green is received by the eye is the presence or absence of the color red in the same frame.

This is one reason why people can purchase “Rainbow Eggs” from a photograph and then hold the egg in their hand and see something entirely different.

Schijndelaar is an imported bird from the Netherlands that Greenfire Farms claims was created late in 20th Century (1900-2000, which is not “old” or “rare”, however officially recognized in 2001) by a veterinarian named Ruud Kaasenbrood.

Schijndelaar has a claim to lay GREEN eggs, however my personal eye sees them as a rich and bright blue!

Now where am I going with this information...?

There is the Standard of Perfection and then there is what each individual likes and wants to breed to perfection for themselves.

For now, for me and for Cocktails and Hens, every egg will be offered and hatched from both breeds.

Both breeds do breed TRUE, however I want to completely make it clear that the Shetland Hen has a greater chance of producing offspring that will lay an egg more on the green side than blue.

Schijndelaar has been VERY consistent with their egg color and you can be confident with offspring laying a similar color to what they hatched from.

Oh and.... if you’ve read this far 😂

Fertility check is in progress, which means egg availability will be updated Sunday night here on the websit.


~Many Blessings and Much Love

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