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  • Writer's pictureRynde

C&H Tallow Skincare

The cycle of life. Where one life ends another begins and in fact flourishes. In honoring the cycle of life, we can strive to be self-sustainable. We become healthier, leave a smaller footprint upon our on Earth and utilize all that is within our immediate grasp. Once you deep-dive into the facts on how our food and skincare ingredients lack proper nutrition, there is no turning back.

Commercial operations for Vegan diets are horrific; they factually cause more environmental harm than any small farmer and or Cattleman. Commercial skincare companies use far more chemicals and unethically sourced plant based ingredients in their products. There are numerous studies that can be read to solidify the accuracy of these statements. The production of Palm Oil is one example. You can learn more about Palm Oil and the devastation it is causing to Rain Forests here:

What is Tallow and where does it come from?

Tallow is made from rendering Suet. Suet is a thick layer of protective fat that surrounds the internal organs of cattle, sheep and swine. The fat is ground or cut into small pieces and slowly heated. Once the pure goodness renders or "melts", it is then separated from the solids and becomes Tallow. Tallow is a bright, beautiful and pure white color; jam packed with vitamins and antioxidants.

What type of Tallow do I use?

For me it's all about the beef!

I was raised in the beef industry; primarily the processing side. I spent my youth and my young adult life with my hands smothered in.... beef fat. And I have to tell you, you never know what you miss until it's gone.

I did not realize how moisturizing, pure and compatible beef fat is to ones skin, until I went shoulder deep into making my own skincare products. That was when "Home" came sliding across the base and waved its white flag as if to say, "take me".

From conception to freezer, I have been involved in every aspect of raising cattle.

To be able to utilize every part of the animal while striving for zero waste is a commendable calling.

Today, my family runs a small herd of Shorthorn cross mother cows.

Our mother cows are producing show calves, as well as providing my family and many other families with quality beef that was raised and processed in an ethical way.

My primary source for Suet (Tallow) comes from two local beef processing operations. The Suet is humanely acquired through USDA monitored facilities.

I am not only supporting local businesses but I am also supporting my local farmer with every bar of soap and tin of body butter that I make!

My chickens also love their Cracklings, which are the parts of the Suet that did not render. Zero waste! Cracklings are an excellent and clean source of protein and fat for my chickens during cold winter months.

Why choose Tallow for your skincare?

Animal based proteins and fats are more readily recognized by our human system, as we are one in the same. Mammals. Our bodies can and will fight plant based fats and proteins, as they are naturally "foreign" to our systems.

Our skin is our largest organ. The best nutrition for your skin starts on the inside with a proper diet that caters to your own personal internal needs. The next step to having healthy skin is to protect and feed it properly from the outside.

Skin is porous and will absorb everything it comes into contact with.

Environmental pollutants, smoke, fertilizers, and even medications can be absorbed by our skin. It is imperative to know exactly what it is you are smothering on the largest organ of your body.

So lets get into the very best part of using tallow in your skin care routine!

  • Antioxidants- Vitamins A,D,K, E- fights free radical damage caused by lifestyle and pollution and reduces aging, fine lines and sun spots.

  • Anti Inflammatory- Vitamins E, D, K- Combats break outs and sun damage. Tackles inflammation due to food allergies and reduces redness by blocking the enzymes that cause irritation to the skin.

  • Noncomedogenic- Tallow products will not clog your pores. Giving you 24 hour protection and moisture without choking the life from your skin.

  • Antimicrobial- Due to the skins ability to readily absorb and accept Tallow, the skin does not have to work in overdrive to keep its harmonic ph. Tallow skincare products have been known to aid in eliminating body odor and bring the skins own natural oil production into complete harmony.

  • Vitamins A,D,K,E- Tallow contains every vitamin that is known to keep skin firm and youthful, along with the ability to repair damage that has already been done. These vitamins also help to prevent drying at a cellular level.

Bottom Line-

Tallow skincare is Super Food for the skin!

Tallow aids in repairing damaged skin as well as providing 24 hour moisture and protection. With the big bonus of promoting more youthful, healthy skin!


Fire away!

I'm more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

XOXO and many blessings!


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