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Cocktails and Hens

*For the Love*


I fell in love with chickens at ten years old on the bright spring day my dad came home with two darling chicks.  Dad has always been like that.  "Surprise"!   Suddenly we had new family members of the animal variety.  

Instantaneously, I was completely smitten.  Love at first sight!  I named the pair Bert and Ernie and we became the very best of friends.  I can clearly see them in my memory, pecking diligently along the dirt of the dog kennel where we raised them.  I'd let them out to roam in the yard and the joy and laughter they delivered was priceless.  Bert and Ernie were unable to stay for long, (as goes the life of a farm animal) but the impact had been made.  The dreams of a little girl began.  

Today, Bert and Ernie are the inspiration for my primary flock.  The majestic, gentle giants, with their kind and loving nature are the Brahma, and they will forever be a part of our lives.  I was fascinated with their feather colors, the details, Barring, shades, patterns, shapes and size.  The Brahma lays a tan egg.  Yes.  Tan eggs from my own flock is really fun.  But wait!  What about exploring and expanding?  We need a beautiful rainbow basket of colored eggs!

So the next passion arrived like a freight train.  I found myself lost within a magnificent world of research, trial and error.  I studied genetics for feather colors, egg colors, composition and personality.  Incubators beeped in our dining room and the few small coops out back by the barn were just not adequate for the beauties we were acquiring.  I found myself with a pile of pallets, a drill, a leather tool belt and Pinterest.  We’ve got some pretty cool custom coops out there now!

I raise several rare breeds.  Sultan, Shetland Hens and Schijndelaar.  Blue and Black Copper Marans.  Back Cross Olive Eggers add the deep dark green.  I also have within my specified colored egg coops, beautiful birds that produce ‘heavy bloom’.  These provide the ever elusive purple and grey eggs.  So pretty!  I always have my eye searching for a perfectly varied and vibrant colored basket.  

 C&H Signature Sex-Link breed are my ultimate pride and joy.  Experimenting with genetics has given me the opportunity to offer my clients a custom created bird that is unlike anything a commercial hatchery could ever produce.  This has been a fantastic adventure!

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I have no doubt that you'll find your own personal love too.

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